Tuesday, March 16, 2010



Maeve :)


Taylor Swift,long neck,cat

Taylor detail....need to do a better one

Jeremy style!!!!

and this is how he looked when he drew them,just kiddin Jer'. I like this one alot though


I really liked the flow of this one

Jua "maaaannn"

You get these few sometimes who just lend themselves to the medium :DDDDD


these kids made my day "draw us as craaazy as you can, with bodybuilder muscles,chest hair,armpit hair,shiny...speedo's...gap teeth,choochootrain braces...wish there were more customers like this

SQUARE JAW...yeess

CHP guy asked to be put in uniform "yes officer"

pretty people

more hair
This guy was a sweetheart

buff guy "finish the damn picture"

she looks classic caricature

wario guy.....so fuuun,and nice

sumo guy and fiance

cute english couple on honeymoon

wish she kept on her glasses

mountain man!!!! this guy was soooo fun to draw

I mean c'mon................we love rockabilly's here

wii fight

This guy was aweeesome to draw, schnoz and a mad agent in one

guy was cool, lady fought it,but I drew her pretty (no smiling or looking >:)

I believe this is the MOTHER EARTH :)
This couple asked to be 'zombified'
so I did, and I enjoyed it...........watching to many crime mystery shows, and Dexter :)
The real pic was way more vivid,angled strokes led to splatter :D

I've drawn this 'young artist' like 8 times


these guys were so odd I felt moved to draw them strange and pretty

these punks wouldn't shutup.......so i drew 'em for free,punks

this kid kept saying "tony,tony" so i felt it should be on his shirt :)